A business intelligence engine that delivers powerful data insights. Configurable dashboards and monthly summaries offer drill-down facilities to monitor your workforce data. Enjoy delivery of point-in-time comparisons straight to your desktop.

Using this powerful business intelligence module, your data comes to life.


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Drill-down on data
for in-depth insights

Enables point-in-time
and trend analyses

Refine views
using data filters

At-a-glance data

Configurable to individual
data preferences

Report against
pre-defined targets

Create, execute and save
custom queries


Real-time data expedites decision making

Drill-down for detailed understanding of data

Data security ensures strict user access

Focus on critical metrics ensures better planning

Monitors for critical issues

Measure what matters

Point-in-time analytics let you extract and compare metrics. Quickly compare data on a monthly or period-by-period basis. Manage against your business objectives with comparative and cumulative statistics. The power of projections and trending ensures you know when to take action.

Numbers and tables can become overwhelming. Charts and other visualisations bring clarity to your analysis and certainty to decision making.

Actionable Data Reports

Report on key decision metrics. An impressive analytic engine bundled with data rich summaries empowers managers with actionable data. Seeking workforce demographics or leave liability reporting? Our powerful data analytics tool gives you the insights you need.

Access to historical data enables ready comparison and trend analysis. Making comparisons between this month, this quarter, or this year to last year is quick and easy.